what to expect the new few weeks!

3yrs - PreK

Happy January! This month our bottom line is Jesus is always a good friend! 

Week One: Peter Walks on Water

Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus helps Peter when Peter is afraid and begins to sink in the water.

Week Two: Jesus Heals Ten Men

Luke 17:11-16

Jesus makes ten men all better, and one man is so excited that he praises God loudly and thanks Jesus.

Week Three: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

John 11:1-3, 20, 28-36

Jesus cries when He sees how sad Mary and Martha are because their brother, Lazarus, died.

Week Four: Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10

A tax collector named Zacchaeus is happy when Jesus wants to go to his house.

what to expect the next few weeks!


Happy New Year! This Month we are talking about Resilience: Getting back up when something gets you down. 

Week One: Jesus Wept

John 11:1-45

Big Idea: When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone.

Week Two: Do Not Worry

Matthew 6:25-34

Big Idea: When you’re worried, trust God.

Week Three: Slow to Anger

James 1:19

Big Idea: When you’re angry, talk to God.

Week Four: Paul and Silas

Acts 16:16-40

Big Idea: God can help you choose joy.

  • keystone kids events!

    ALL current Keystone events, including Keystone Kids events, can be found on our events & opportunities page. Check it out today!

  • new to kids? welcome!

    Learn more about how we do things each Sunday, how we group ages, our mission and what to expect! 

  • "Cart O' Fun" 2nd sunday of each month!

    This is a super fun reward program where Keystone Kids earn paper "Keystone Kids Stars" to spend at the Cart O' Fun. Kids earn stars by being spotted serving others, knowing or using their memory verse, bringing friends to church, and in celebration of their birthdays. Kids can purchase ONE item from the cart to enjoy each time.

  • connect with parent cue app

    Not able to be here on Sunday? Download this app from Orange (our curriculum provider) to find links to daily devotionals, prayers, weekly videos, monthly themes, and memory verses!