NOW-DEC 6 There are THREE WAYS you can give back this Thanksgiving and Christmas here at Keystone! Click "More" for all the details on ways you can help spread joy!
check out what's going on at keystone & beyond
events & opportunities
holiday give back!
her story
this thursday!
NOV 21, 6:30-8PM Join Von Veenstra and Hanna Brennan in The Studio at Keystone THIS Thursday for another dynamic gathering of women. We’ll meet from 6:30-8pm.
Jocelyn Dettloff will share some of her personal story with us—some highs, lows and in-betweens—and how she experienced Jesus amidst it all. Afterwards we'll have a short time of connecting at tables.
elevate worship service
NOV 27, 6:30PM Join us here at Keystone as we prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving together. Child care will be offered for 0-35months.
christmas eve services
DEC 24, 1:00, 2:30 & 4PM You're invited to join us for one of three identical Christmas Eve services. Full kid's programming at the first two services only (none at the 4PM). Normal service times on the 22nd and 29th.
anthem winter weekend
JAN 17-19: SIGN UP BY NOV 30 Our students are heading to Camp Ao-Wa-Kiya for a weekend of activities that include the tubing hill, crafts, dodgeball, 9 square, team games, broomball and sessions that include games, worship, teaching and small groups. We will head to camp in charter busses so parents will not need to transport their students. Sign up open all of November!
serve at sibley
START NOW! Do you have a heart for kids? Join our Local Extend team and serve at Sibley! There are many opportunities based on your schedule, such as assisting in classrooms or helping out at lunch/recess. Click "More" to get involved!
dominican republic
serve trips
FEB 26-MAR 5, 2025 We invite you to join Keystone friends to serve in the community of El Cacique, an extremely poor section of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Keystone partners with Dr. Silvia Martinez and Sociedad Lucas to help break the cycle of poverty and bring hope and love by helping meet both physical and spiritual needs. This is an opportunity to see God's world, His church and His kids in a new way!
"abide" gathering
for moms
SAVE THE DATES! JAN 13, FEB 10, MAR 19 FROM 7-8:30PM Abide is back! It's a gathering for moms (from preschool to college) to be encouraged and equipped for the journey of motherhood. Join Sarah Anne Nemmers and friends in The Studio at Keystone. Speakers share their own parenting wisdom—what they'd repeat and what they wouldn’t. Sign-up not yet open. Save the dates!
New bahamas retreat
"living your best life"
JAN 18-24, 2025 This NEW retreat is designed to be a sanctuary for self-restoration and an oasis of self-compassion. If you’ve ever felt the crushing weight of never-ending responsibilities, experienced mental and physical exhaustion, or noticed a waning enthusiasm for things that used to bring you joy, you’re not alone. This is an opportunity to step out of the cycle of "doing" and rekindle your passion, purpose, and joy!
support keystone friends'
local businesses
Help support Keystone friends who own or are involved with a local business. We've provided a list complete with links so you can see if it's a business that meets your needs! If you'd like your business added, please fill out this form and we'll make it happen!