list of current offerings

make a group your next step

Keystone groups are all about meaningful connection and spiritual growth. All you have to do is show up, join in and be real. Read about all of your group options below! We'll help you find the right group for you.


  • new! summer supper clubs

    Want to share dinner with a group of 5-7 women for six weeks this summer? It's a great opportunity to invite your friends and meet new ones. 

  • women's: morning
    "coffee talk"

    Join Von Veenstra and Hanna Brennan in the Studio at Keystone for "Coffee Talk" Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30. We'll have coffee and great conversation about trusting and following Jesus in our everyday lives. We meet for 10 weeks each spring and fall. Childcare provided. 

  • WOMEN'S: evening

    Join us as Keystone women share a snapshot of their lives with us—the highs, lows, and in-betweens—and how they experienced Jesus in the midst of it all. Each fall we meet on six Monday evenings (2nd and 4th week of each month).

  • women's: evening

    "a gathering for moms"

    Abide is a gathering for moms (from preschool to college) to be encouraged, connected & equipped for the journey of motherhood! Speakers share their own parenting wisdom—what they'd repeat and what they wouldn’t, along with how they found their identity in Christ through the experience of being a mother. Meets monthly from January through April.

  • men's: morning

    Join Mike Veenstra at Keystone on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. We'll provide a light breakfast and have a conversation based on the Sunday teaching—amongst many other topics about life as men who are following Jesus.

  • men's: evening

    Engage other men in honest conversations about life and faith. Variety of times and locations.

  • couples

    Are you newly married or in a committed relationship? Somewhere in-between? Join one of these groups to experience following Jesus in our relationships and lives. It's a great way to connect other people like you!

  • young adults

    We'll have dinner and talk about life and faith together. We meet on the first and third Thursday evenings of the month at 6PM.

  • pre-marital

    We all want to get off to a great start when we get married! You'll be part of several sessions that are geared to help you both start off on the right foot.

  • relationship enrichment

    Every committed relationship faces challenges. What if overcoming them is simpler than you think? Join Drew & Hanna Brennan as they lead this eight-week group of conversations about how to make your relationship better. This mentor-led group experience will explore the foundational principles to help you move in an even better direction.

  • deeper dive

    Deeper Dive is where relationships of grace and discipleship meet. It's a nine-month group for followers of Jesus wanting to dive deeply into what trusting God, others, and ourselves can look like. Participants become more fully known, see God and themselves more clearly, experience the transforming love of jesus, and be equipped to lead others to do the same. 

  • re:new mentoring

    Life is hard and sometimes we feel stuck wondering if we're doing it right. These one-on-one sessions with a mentor will take you through the process of discovering why you might be stuck in life, who you really are, what your purpose is, and how to live a life of freedom. 

  • encore (55+)

    An event-based group that offers many great opportunities to meet other "mature" people at Keystone. Join Bob and Roger for wine tastings, tailgate parties, cards, and more. Giving back is a priority to Encore and meaningful service projects are often offered. 

  • divorce support

    Join Kathey Batey as she offers nonjudgmental guidance and support for those who are going through the trauma of divorce. DSA supports you and reminds you that you're not alone! You'll get through it and God has a plan for your life. There is a cost involved, but scholarships are available. 

  • financial peace

    Join others in learning how to take control of your finances, budget and get out of debt so you can live like no one else! Classes are led by Peter Letzmann and are always fun and rewarding!  There is a cost (scholarships are available). 

  • high adventure

    An event-based group for anyone who likes a little more adventure in their life! This group has many fun options throughout the year such as back-packing, dog-sledding in the UP, camping, motorcycling, and many others. 

  • starting point

    Exploring faith should involve asking questions. When it comes to exploring faith, it’s natural to have questions. Unfortunately, church is sometimes the last place you want to bring those questions. We’d like to change that. If you'd like to know more about this curriculum click here.